Source code for memoize.serde

[API] Provides interface (and built-in implementations)
of SerDe that may be used to implement cache storage.

import codecs
import pickle

    import ujson as json
    # ignoring type error as mypy falsely reports json is already imported
    import json  # type: ignore
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime, timezone

from typing import Callable, Any

from memoize.entry import CacheEntry, CachedValue

[docs] class SerDe(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Responsible for (de)serialization of values handled by CacheStorage (if SerDes are supported)."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def serialize(self, entry: CacheEntry) -> bytes: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def deserialize(self, data: bytes) -> CacheEntry: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class PickleSerDe(SerDe): """Uses encoded pickles as binary representation.""" def __init__(self, pickle_protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) -> None: self.__pickle_protocol = pickle_protocol
[docs] def deserialize(self, data: bytes) -> CacheEntry: return pickle.loads(data, )
[docs] def serialize(self, entry: CacheEntry) -> bytes: return pickle.dumps(entry, protocol=self.__pickle_protocol)
JsonReversibleObject = Any
[docs] class JsonSerDe(SerDe): """Uses encoded json string as binary representation. Value of cached type should consist of types which are json-reversible (json.loads(json.dumps(v)) is equal to v) or one should provide (by constructor) functions converting values to/from such representation.""" def __init__(self, string_encoding: str = "utf-8", value_to_reversible_repr: Callable[[CachedValue], JsonReversibleObject] = lambda x: x, reversible_repr_to_value: Callable[[JsonReversibleObject], CachedValue] = lambda x: x, ) -> None: self.__string_encoding = string_encoding self.__reversible_repr_to_value = reversible_repr_to_value self.__value_to_reversible_repr = value_to_reversible_repr
[docs] def deserialize(self, data: bytes) -> CacheEntry: as_dict = json.loads(codecs.decode(data, self.__string_encoding)) return CacheEntry( created=datetime.fromtimestamp(as_dict['created'], timezone.utc), update_after=datetime.fromtimestamp(as_dict['update_after'], timezone.utc), expires_after=datetime.fromtimestamp(as_dict['expires_after'], timezone.utc), value=self.__reversible_repr_to_value(as_dict['value']), )
[docs] def serialize(self, entry: CacheEntry) -> bytes: return codecs.encode(json.dumps({ 'created': entry.created.timestamp(), 'update_after': entry.update_after.timestamp(), 'expires_after': entry.expires_after.timestamp(), 'value': self.__value_to_reversible_repr(entry.value), }), self.__string_encoding)
# types are ignored as everything works just fine with bytes instead of strings
[docs] class EncodingSerDe(SerDe): """Applies extra encoding to the data (for instance compression when 'zip' or 'bz2' codec used).""" def __init__(self, serde: SerDe, binary_encoding: str = "zip") -> None: super().__init__() self.__binary_encoding = binary_encoding self.__serde = serde
[docs] def deserialize(self, value: bytes) -> CacheEntry: decoded = codecs.decode(value, self.__binary_encoding) return self.__serde.deserialize(decoded) # type: ignore
[docs] def serialize(self, value: CacheEntry) -> bytes: serialized = self.__serde.serialize(value) return codecs.encode(serialized, self.__binary_encoding) # type: ignore